New Beginnings

Every story has a beginning, just as every good story has a compelling ending. And I’m not really a fan of those shows with neverending cliffhangers, although that is most often how we live our lives.

Choosing to start the journey as an artist after decades of retail then office work seems both daunting and freeing at the same time. I still have my day job, because as much as I love making art, I also love giving most of it away to family and friends; until I get used to making a living at it, the 9-5 will still be beckoning me.

It is a challenge to balance both lives, but the more I step into my role as an artist, the more inspired my life becomes. I look forward to more things now; simple things like walks in nature for inspiration, and time with my wonderfully encouraging husband. And of course, time in the studio, either the pottery studio, sewing room, or wherever I have set up my watercolours that day.

New beginnings are not without some fear, but I know I am not alone in this, and that makes it all worth while.

Phil. 4:13

Jackie Scott