Excerpt 2 from 40 Days of Healing: A Devotional - Day 13

Refer to Matthew 8:24-26, Mark 4:35-41 & Luke 8:22-25 

In these verses, it’s not human healing that is happening, but Jesus’ ability to heal or calm nature. After the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and all the healing that Jesus had done, he and the disciples got into a boat to cross to the other side of the lake. Jesus rested and went to sleep, which is completely understandable because Jesus’ body was human, and all human bodies get tired. The storm didn’t rest. Although most of the disciples were seasoned fishermen, they were afraid. That says to me that this was no ordinary storm.

What they did have with them now that they never had before, was Jesus. Yet still, they feared.

They witnessed all the things he had done, his healing powers, his ability to make possessed people free and calm, and yet they feared nature even though Jesus was with them. I can’t blame them (especially lately as the weather and climate change has become a lot more fierce and unpredictable). Anyhow, instead of having faith that they would be safe with Jesus, they panicked and became more fearful, so they woke him from his rest. 

Storms rise in us all the time. I have an anxiety disorder and can sometimes feel storms of panic kick in when I haven’t been practising the mindfulness and self-care to maintain a calm and peaceful frame of mind. It is reassuring to me to remember that Jesus brought immediate calm to nature. He does the same for my spirit when it is getting frazzled, and I remember to stop, breathe, and pray. I reach out to Jesus, who calms the waters of my soul, and again, peace returns. It is not immediate and it isn’t always easy, but peace and calm do set in.

These men, some of whom were seasoned fishermen, became afraid of the storm. That says to me this was no ordinary storm. Panicking, they woke Jesus and he said “Silence! Be still.” I love the verse after this: “and there was a great calm.” Too often these days we do not let moments of calm into our lives. We are so busy and distracted, over-scheduling our lives, but rarely making time to allow for calm, silence, or peace. 

I’m one of the biggest offenders. I always have to have some form of distraction or sound on, whether TV or radio for background noise, and rarely let myself sit in quiet silence and just be. Here was a mighty storm blowing through, described as a fierce storm. It was no match for Jesus, who simply said “Silence! Be still.” And it was. 

“Where is your faith?” Jesus asked the disciples this as they were fearful of drowning in the storm that he stopped. Nature was as easily healed by him as humans were; a simple rebuke and the wind and waves calmed. 

The disciples who had been walking with Jesus day in and day out “were terrified and amazed.” To be honest, I would be too. I’m often reminded of moments in life where I had doubt, and Jesus stepped in with a small reminder here and there. “See, I’ve got this.”

It could be as simple as seeing a bird or a flower that reminded me of someone or something special, or as big as hearing that someone you’d been praying for had received a clean bill of health after a long struggle with a disease. It’s hard to say. How would we react if we were in the boat during the storm? Would we have even gotten into the boat in the first place? Not being a big fan of open water myself, that may have taken some convincing. …

But here, seasoned fishermen had fear. They had Jesus right there with them in the boat, had seen his wondrous miracles, and yet still they feared the wind and the waves. Jesus, just as he’d healed the leper or the Roman officer’s servant, he simply spoke and all was well. Nature was healed by him, just like humans were. 

If you liked these excerpts, you’re welcome to explore more by checking out the full book, available both as an eBook and paperback. Have a great day!

Jackie Scott